Outlook Running Slow due to a Maxed out OST?
Sometimes we get issues where people have a few shared mailboxes in the department and it causes Outlook to run Really slow when the user opens the application due to the OST's 50gb limit (It starts running like crap at 40gb but gets worse the bigger it gets). Since our users have access to the Outlook Web Application, the fix is to re-add the mailbox permission with "Auto Mapping" turned off. and then use the OWA.
Connect-ExchangeOnline #-UserPrincipalName (Get-ADUser $env:USERNAME).UserPrincipalName
$UserWhosMailboxIsHavingIssues = ''
##-- The email address of the user who's OST is full
$MailboxThatIsMappedToUser = ''
##-- The email of the mailbox that user has full control of
Remove-MailboxPermission -Identity $MailboxThatIsMappedToUser -User $UserWhosMailboxIsHavingIssues -AccessRights FullAccess
Add-MailboxPermission -Identity $MailboxThatIsMappedToUser -User $UserWhosMailboxIsHavingIssues -AccessRights FullAccess -AutoMapping $false
Then we just have the user open the mailbox using a link like:
where "Hello@JohnJHeisler.com" is the email address of the mailbox that user has full control of
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